The “Basically Everything” Philosophy

I’m currently taking Blogging101 and Writing101 through WordPress’ DailyPost program. This post is a response to the first prompt from both programs, “Introduce Yourself” and “Why Do I Write?” 

Throughout my life I have always been that girl who “does everything.” A little bit of sports, a little bit of academics, a little bit of music, a little bit of quilting, sewing, knitting and crafting, a little bit of cooking and baking, a little bit of painting, drawing and sculpting, a little bit of wood working, a little bit of stone carving, a little bit of graphic design, a little bit of photography, a little bit of writing, a little bit of math. And so on, and so on. Some of my friends would complain at me: “Why are you so awesome? How can you be good at everything?!” And I would always think, “I’m not good at everything, I just do everything.” For me it’s not about being the best at any of those things, or even particularly good at them. It’s always just been about becoming someone capable of handling herself with any tools she sees fit to employ; being unlimited. That’s my ideal.

If there’s one thing that I would cite as the source of all misery, unhappiness, low self-esteem, laziness, boredom, tendencies to complain and general dissatisfaction with life, it’s this: people don’t understand the principle of becoming. People are unhappy when either a) they are so intimidated by their ideals that they never make an attempt to attain them or b) they have low enough or few enough ideals that they reach them too quickly and don’t know what to do afterwards.

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Hello world! – It’s Info Dump Wednesday!

Welcome to Basically Everything!

I’ve wanted to start a blog for a while now–or maybe a few blogs. One about my life as a furniture designer and woodworking extraordinaire, one about all the foodie adventures that my husband and I get into, one about the mind-blowing revelations I’m always stumbling on (and have to share!) about how people work and what makes them tick, and at least a half dozen more pursuing my infamous Projects (with a capital “P”!). Because we all know there just really isn’t enough space in a Facebook caption to do justice to the 10 hours you just spent on your recent love affair with *fill in the blank making-technique*. On top of all that, my husband and I just found out that we are pregnant with our first baby! That’s a whole new world of learning and growth, and I can’t even begin to imagine what knowledge and insights that path will bring me. I intend to make that journey part of this blog, too.

In order to keep all these topics and directions afloat and at least a little structured, I’ve decided to post on one topic per day, 6 days a week. Here’s the schedule:

Foodie MondaysContinue reading