Quick Tips Wednesday – Ginger Tea and Embedding Pinterest

First off, I’m sorry I never got a real post written for People Tuesday. Morning Sickness reared it’s ugly head this week in combination with a nasty head cold that both my husband and I got at the concert from hell over the weekend. Lets just say I was a little down and out yesterday, and I’m only on today due to the sweet encouragements of my husband, who really would like to see me succeed with this blog.

And on top of exhaustion, headache and morning sickness, there’s this little gem from work: since we got Labor Day off this week, we get to work 4 ten hour shifts (instead of the regular eight hour shifts) in order to “keep up with production demands.” That means waking up at the lovely hour of 4:30am.

Ok, ok, done complaining. (I’m really, really secretly worried that I’m going to become a really grumpy, complain-y, naggy pregnant lady and I don’t want to be that lady.)

Luckily today I discovered ginger tea! Ginger is of course known for its nausea-calming properties, and it certainly did a number on my queasy stomach. The recipe:

  • Grate/mince about 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ginger very finely and put it in a mug.
  • Pour steaming hot water over it.
  • Add a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, stir well and let seep as the tea cools. 

Voila! Ginger tea! Simple, I know, but the sugar takes the bite out of straight ginger and the ginger takes the bite out of morning sickness so it’s basically perfect!

Also, I’ve decided to change my direction on Wednesday posts a little. This is because it’s been a week now since I started this blog and while I am growing more and more confident in my ability to continuously come up with new material for basically every other day of the week, writing an entire essay of totally new, cohesive material every Wednesday has only started sounding more and more intimidating. So… Quick Tips Wednesday! For all those little things (like ginger tea recipes) that I’ve been doing and thinking about that aren’t quite big enough to merit their own post.

I’ve been taking DailyPosts’ “Blogging101” course and today I learned that it’s super easy to embed from Pinterest and a bunch of other places (like urls that lead to plain images and gifs; thus, above). So I just thought I’d throw in, for all you Pinterest lovers, an embedded link to the Design Friday Pin Board! If you like Design Fridays and want to respond to posts or help contribute towards future posts, just shoot me an email so I can invite you to the board, and you’ll be right in! (Also, if you happen to know more fancy easy tricks connecting WordPress and Pinterest and how to get people invited to/access to boards without the long email me/invite you process, please let me know!)

Also I bought a wood lathe and I finally get to pick it up this weekend! I can’t wait to tell you about it!

Thanks for reading!

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